Saturday 6 March 2010

Textual analysis (Anju and Sustika)

Anju Tamang 50%
Sustika Limbu 50%

We are analysing a 90 minutes Sequence of an American version movie The Grudge 2004.In this textual analysis, we will be writing about 4 technical aspects. Mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound.

This film was directed by Takashi Shimizu.

This movie starts with the title sequence and follows with the written text "When someone dies in a greap of a powerful range ..... a curse is born" the word "Curse" is highlighted in red, the screen fades in black for a while and again appears with other written text " The curse gathers in that place of death" again the word "Death" is highlighted in red. Soon after that, other phrase takes place "Those who encounter it will be consumed by its fury" the word "Fury" is highlighted in red again. The reason behind highlighting these words "Curse", "Death", "Fury" are interconnected with the storyline of the movie whereas red connotes danger.

The movie starts with establishing shot which shows the location and camera tracks towards the character's face whose worrying facial expression is visible to see. Few minutes later, a brief introduction of 1st character Professor Peter, his short lived scene ends which automatically ends after he jumps from his balcony which happens to be witnessed by his wife. The new character, a social worker is introduced who is assisting the ill woman Emma. One day her assistance, Yoko Maki hears a sound from the room while cleaning. She wonders into the rooms to find the source of sound. She hears the sound coming from ceiling upon careful inspection. She sees that that the passage to the attic when she opens the cupboard. She climbs the ladder through the cupboard. stretches her body to get the proper view inside the attic. Therefore, she burns the lighter and looks around there. She sees the ghost (Kayako), the main antagonist of the sequence. After this event, the main protagonist is introduced.

Karen Davis

Karen Davis is the main protagonist of the film. She goes to assist the same person Emma, in the place of Yoko Maki. While working, she finds a closet being barred by the tape. The cat like noise comes from it. Out of curiousity, she rips off the tape and finds a little boy. She asks her to come out of closet but he refuses. She asks him his name of which she gets prompt reply of his name being Toshi. This get interrupted as Emma begins to chatter alone. As she calms Emma, the dark, long hair flows above the ceiling which terrifies Emma. Kayako reaches to Emma while Karen continues to stare at her. Karen lose consciousness from fear. Finally Karen's boss Alex appears who witnesses Emma's death and finds Karen in a state of shock. Karen is taken to hospital and another character detective Nakagawa is introduced. The detective interrogates Alex about the other family members of Emma. Finally the detective interrogates Karen. She tells her part of the story, indicating the appearance of the boy. Over the next few day she is distressed by Kayako. Frightened and stressed, she begins to research the history of the house. Eventually Karen discovers that the house had been embroiled by the murder case. This gives her more initiative to investigate on her own. She meets Peter's wife Maria and questions her about connection between Kayako's house and her husband's suicide . Unfortunately, Maria doesnot have any clue to help her so she allows Karen to search through the old photographs. Looking every photograph in detail, Karen gets a hold of photograph with Kayako in the background. It indicates that Kayako had been following the couple without their knowledge. Karen tries to talk with her boyfriend Doug but he has already left to investigate situation on his own while trying to get hold of Karen. Karen returns to the house searching for her boyfriend where she gets the flashback of Peter's visit. She experiences the event that took place after Peter finds the corpse of Kayako and Takeo's hanging on the noose by Kayako's hair. The flashback allows Karen to see a brief, final moment of his life: him murdering his wife, Kayako and his son, Toshio. Overwhelmed by revelation about the murder,Karen wobbles on the way down to the stairs.Doug has been crippled so he gets dragged towards the door by Karen when he grabs her ankle, but Kayako's ghost suddenly appears upstair. Kayako crawls down the stair towards them. Karen gives a kiss of death to Doug. She bangs the door and kicks over the gas can. She tries to burn the Doug's lighter and fires it onto the gas, as suddenly Doug turns into Kayako. The screen goes white and shows the ambulance taking Karen.

Later she learns that the house has been saved and mourns the death of his boyfriend,Doug. Suddenly, Kayako's hair appears beneath the sheet that covered him, she soon realizes it was just a figment of her imagination because it turns out to be the normal sheet. Kayako, then appears behind Karen. As Kayako utters her death groan, the movie ends with her eyeshot.

Kayako is the antagonist of the film. She was killed by her husband after he finds out that she fell in love with an American Professor(Peter) in Tokyo. Takeo, Kayako's husband beats her up and while escaping she crawls down the stairs in futile as he kills her and packs her in the white, transparent bag to hide her dead body above the ceiling. Then, Takeo kills their child Toshio by drowning him inside the bath tub, full of water. Later, Takeo hangs himself.

Since the day Kayako was killed, the each and every person who comes to live in that house or those who steps inside the house are cursed, gets haunted by her and the curse spreads.

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